Unity3D has a utility module for retrieving the contents of URLs named as WWW class. WWW class can also download a picture image, so that you can assign that picture on the internet as a Texture in your Unity3D project.
Remember, WWW class is a Coroutine and runs background.
I can recommend two different ways of implementing background downloading in Unity3D.
First way; You can just yield it until it is completed. For example:
void IEnumerator Start() {
WWW www = new WWW( url );
yield return www;
Texture2D myPicture = www.texture; //this is how you download and image from web in untiy3d.
Second Way; you can inspect the isDone property of WWW class to see if the download has completed or not. Here is an example of using the isDone and progress properties:
float progress = 0.0f;
void IEnumerator Start() {
WWW myW = new WWW( url );
while( !myW.isDone )
progress = myW.progress;
yield return null;
progress = 1.0f;
Tip: You can create a progress bar with that progress property in OnGUI function.
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