Infact Enum class does not implement the IEnumerable interface. This means that you cannot directly loop through all of the declared values using the foreach statement.
But Enum provides a static method named as GetValues.
This gives you an array of your enum class fields.
Like say we have a enum of unity3d game object names, like this one:
enum UnityGameObjectNames {
myplayer = 1,
and you want to use unity3d gameobject names in one of your functions like start or something. You can do this like this:
void Start() {
foreach (UnityGameObjectNames unityName in UnityGameObjectNames.GetValues(typeof(UnityGameObjectNames)))
Debug.Log(unityName + " is my Unity3d Object Name");
or you can also specify array type, so that there wont be extra boxing - unboxing. Unity also runs on mobile devices so any tiny bit of optimization may be needed.
Better set the type of array like this:
foreach (UnityGameObjectNames unityName in ((UnityGameObjectNames[]) UnityGameObjectNames.GetValues(typeof(UnityGameObjectNames)))
Debug.Log(unityName + " myObjectName");
as always a few lines of sample code of Unity3d Enum and Foreach:
//foreach (Madalyalar madalya in (Madalyalar[])Madalyalar.GetValues(typeof(Madalyalar)))
foreach (Madalyalar madalya in Madalyalar.GetValues(typeof(Madalyalar)))
//if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("m_" + madalya, 0) == 1) {
Sample 2:
int madalyaDurumu=0;
foreach (MadalyaTipleri madalya in (MadalyaTipleri[])MadalyaTipleri.GetValues(typeof(MadalyaTipleri)))
//kazaılmısmadalyalar listesinde var mı ?
if(kazanilmisMadalyalar.Contains(madalya)) {
//eger listede yok ise, playerprefs'e bak, daha önceden kaydedilmis ise listeye ekle.
madalyaDurumu = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(madalya.ToString());
if(madalyaDurumu == 1) {
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